updated: 06/24/2020
Say hello to San Antonio Texas’ first amateur DMR repeater that also happens to be a D-Star repeater thanks to the MMDVM module. It is a homebrew repeater using analog radios and spare parts. If you are interested in building your own, click here. Have you been wondering about DMR or D-star or digital voice in general? This repeater is here for you. It is in place for people to learn and make mistakes. Please feel free to connect DMR Talk groups and D-Star Reflectors at will. Local QSO’s are extremely welcome too! Because I use this repeater for teaching and demoing, there are rare occasions the repeater will be offline for travel.This page is updated if there are any changes.
Below you will find coverage maps of the repeater.
GREEN=Strong mobile coverage
YELLOW=Weak mobile coverage.
This map is roughly calculated, so if you find discrepancies, signal reports are always welcome.

The website dashboard is located at: This will give you real time information of the repeater showing last heard activity and other repeater information.
DMR Codeplugs to use this repeater and others in the area can be found HERE.
How it works
The repeater works as a first come first serve between the 2 digital modes. If someone is on D-Star, DMR users will have to wait and vis-versa. When a mode is finished, wait about 15-20 seconds and simply key up on DMR/Dstar and it will switch on the fly. On DMR just key up on the TG you wish to use, talk-groups are accessed dynamically. On DMR, Talk groups will remain active for 15min before auto disconnecting if there is no local RF activity. When in doubt, go to the dashboard, on the left side under “Radio Info” Trx will show you what mode its in.
Listening = Ready to accept DMR or D-Star
Listening on DMR = DMR in use, wait to switch to Dstar
Listen on D-Star = D-Star in use, wait to switch to DMR
Repeater Information:
San Antonio, TX – 441.7625+ MHz, CC1 – Brandmeister
- Timeslot 2 is used for local/regional TGs. For example
- TX= 446.7625
- RX= 441.7625
- CC=1
- TS=2
- TG=2 (local repeater TG that doesnt go onto the internet)
- CALL TYPE: Group Call
- TX= 446.7625
- RX= 441.7625
- CC=1
- TS=2
- TG=315819 (AA5RO/San Antonio Talk Group)
- CALL TYPE: Group Call
Timeslot 1 is used for US/Worldwide. For example
- TX= 446.7625
- RX= 441.7625
- CC=1
- TS=1
- TG=310 (TAC 310)
- CALL TYPE: Group Call
- TX= 446.7625
- RX= 441.7625
- CC=1
- TS=1
- TG=3100 (Nationwide)
- CALL TYPE: Group Call
- YOUR: CQCQCQ or your reflector of choice
- RPT1: N5AMD<space><space>B
- RPT2: N5AMD<space><space>G
- MY: <your callsign>
How to test your connection to the repeater:
Both modes offer a ‘Parrot’ mode that will replay how you sound on the repeater.
On DMR, use timeslot 2, and Talkgroup 9990 or 310997, private call (NOT GROUP CALL). For example:
- TX= 446.7625
- RX= 441.7625
- CC=1
- TS=2
- TG=9990
- CALL TYPE: Private
On D-star, to use parrot mode, set your radio the the following..
- MYCALL: <yourcallsign>
- URCALL: <space><space><space><space><space><space> E